
Playlist for 3/2.

1. "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy (because Edward Cullen says so)
2. "The Boys of Summer" by Don Henley (just because)
3. "In Your Atmosphere" by John Mayer (because he is my boyfriend)
4. "La Cienega Just Smiled" by Ryan Adams (because I miss LA summer 2008 big time)
5. "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve (because it's my all-time favorite tune)
6. "Iko Iko" by The Belle Stars (because I love the image of Zach Galifianakis & Bradley Cooper descending on the escalator in "The Hangover")
7. "Furr" by Blitzen Trapper (because Evangeline Lilly says so)
8. "Mandolin Rain" by Bruce Hornsby (because he is the MAN, I want a mini-Bruce in my pocket that I can bring out to play me a song on the piano)
9. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" by My Radio (because they are my friends and this song is in the trailer for the upcoming film "The Joneses" - check it out!)
10. "Foundations" by Kate Nash (because this song is bad ass)

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